Последние новости за 18 октября 2023 года


За сходство собак и их владельцев отвечает эффект простого взаимодействия.

Игорь Зур питомцы собаки люди ученые исследования Минск

Мученицу Харитину сегодня вспоминают православные. Известно, что всю свою одинокую жизнь она посвятила Богу.

Ольга Котова праздник праздники и календарь приметы народные приметы Праздники

Почему бы не поэкспериментировать и не приготовить блюдо в виде кубиков? Тем более, что такая необычная форма даёт возможность положить внутрь вкусную начинку.

Курчев Антон сырники приготовление еды творог банан рецепт Минск

В плоское приспособление еду можно положить так, что даже маленькая порция будет казаться животному большой.

Курчев Антон кошки посуда еда вода советы Домашние животные
washing machine

When using your washing machine for a long time, you can notice its washing powder tray becoming dirty. It can affect the quality of washing, and it can also lead to breakage, so it's better to fix it regularly.

Kate Yakimchuk washing appliances cleaning tips Helpful tips

Согласно одному из поверий, человек, спящий головой к двери, становится уязвимым перед различными недугами.

Курчев Антон спальня кровать люди сновидения народные приметы Полезные советы

You might think that a nice bed and blinds are enough to make a bedroom good, but it's not true. If your bedroom isn't cozy, then you might have a hard time relaxing and even sleeping properly.

Kate Yakimchuk bedroom interior coziness comfort tips House Design

A stiff brush, soda or other abrasive will help remove old grease (but not if the dishes have a Teflon coating). A more serious way to remove a thick layer of scale inside and outside uncoated cast iron cookware is by boiling in a solution of soda, PVA glue and soap.

Диана Дашкевич kitchen stains cleaning Helpful tips

Если к этому дню на березах остались листья, а перелетные птицы улетели на юг, зима будет морозной.

Тимур Хомичев народные приметы приметы погода прогноз погоды Минск

While gardening isn't a particularly dangerous hobby, gardeners still need lots of tools and also protection to do everything safely. One of the things every gardener needs is a respirator - it's essential when you work with chemicals.

Kate Yakimchuk respirator gardening safety tips tools Garden

If you have bright or patterned pieces of furniture, then you should choose calmer, pastel or neutral colors.

Диана Дашкевич Windows curtains interior House Design
liver food

Not everyone likes liver, and it's fine - but mostly people just don't know how to cook it well. In fact, liver can be delicious, and it's also very nutritious, so it can benefit your health.

Kate Yakimchuk liver meat food cooking Cooking
happy dog

Many dog owners are convinced that their pets have a sense of humor - but do they? For sure, dogs can't have a sense of humor similar to ours, but they can actually do funny things to make us laugh purposefully.

Kate Yakimchuk dogs pets humor intelligence Animals

Liquid soap or soap shavings are dissolved in warm water. In addition, moisten a sponge with this solution and wipe the plastic. It is not recommended to use washing powder and products intended for cleaning plumbing equipment in the soap solution.

Диана Дашкевич materials cleaning cleaning tips Helpful tips

As children grow, they start doing things on their own, like going out with friends, staying home alone, or biking to a friend's house.  While most parents believe it's good for kids to be independent, a new survey from the University of Michigan found that many parents may be too cautious.

Kate Yakimchuk research parenting children Psychology