Последние новости за 25 сентября 2023 года

angry man

Have you ever met people that irritate you for no visible reasons? Usually, there are some reasons you just can't see right from the start - and not all of them are that person's fault.

Kate Yakimchuk anger irritation communication personality Psychology

Четыре приметы, связанные с гнездом ласточки во дворе дома.

Игорь Зур птицы приметы удача будущее дом Минск

If you want to have a pretty garden, then you don't always need to hire a professional landscape designer - sometimes you can do it yourself! While good design actually needs some knowledge and experience, you can do it - you just need to prepare well.

Kate Yakimchuk landscape design gardening tips Garden

Почему китайскую розу называют цветком смерти и другие приметы, связанные с растением.

Игорь Зур цветы приметы отношения цветение проблемы Минск

Since the root system of Aechmea is quite compact, choose a pot with drainage holes for it. Don't forget the pallet. To prevent the long growing leaves of the plant from overpowering or overturning the pot, the pot must be wide enough and stable.

Диана Дашкевич plants flowers gardening plants tips Garden

Apply a small amount of dishwashing detergent to the stain. You can also use an all-purpose surface and textile cleaning spray. Leave the product on the fabric for 15-30 minutes. Be sure to blot the napkins again so that no marks remain on the fabric.

Диана Дашкевич clothes clothing care stains lifehacks Helpful tips
vintage keys

Wall decor isn't just about pictures - basically, you can use everything you want to make your walls more visually interesting. You can create real art installations, so you can add more personality to your living space.

Kate Yakimchuk interior decoration ideas walls House Design

Одной из распространенных ошибок является недостаточное внимание к эмоциональным потребностям маленького ребенка. 

Игорь Зур дети и семья воспитание ошибки советы родители проблемы Минск

You probably know about taurine - you can find it in many products, and even energy drinks. Modern studies show that lack of taurine can be pretty bad for you, so you better add more food with taurine in your diet.

Kate Yakimchuk research taurine aging cancer Cooking

Как часто можно стирать подушки, чтобы они оставались чистыми и не повредились.

Игорь Зур советы подушка стирка уход ошибка Минск

It's normal to cry on your birthday. Because people always feel nervous tension on their own holiday. Tears help you get rid of it and continue to enjoy the holiday.

Диана Дашкевич birthday mood mental health facts Psychology