Последние новости за 30 сентября 2023 года


The easiest way to remove fresh stains is to pour two packets of citric acid into the toilet. You can leave the powder overnight and then wipe off the rusty areas with a brush.

Диана Дашкевич bathroom cleaning rust lifehacks Helpful tips
apple tree

Old apple trees tend to fruit less, and it's a natural process - at some point, you have to plant new trees instead of old ones. Meanwhile, if your old apple tree still produces fruits, you can do a few things to make your harvest bigger.

Kate Yakimchuk trees fruits apples tips Garden

Spiral staircases are a good option for small houses, as they significantly save space. The material for the manufacture of such structures can be either metal or natural wood. The basis is a special pillar or rack; the steps are attached to it.

Диана Дашкевич stairs design materials interior House Design

People often have misconceptions about alcohol drinks - and one of them is that they can somehow help you to prevent type 2 diabetes. A new experiment looked at whether having one or two drinks a day could protect against certain health problems like obesity and T2D.

Kate Yakimchuk research alcohol diabetes health Cooking

Завести собаку мечтают многие люди. Однако далеко не все готовы к исчезновению тишины в квартире.

Курчев Антон собаки питомцы породы характер советы Домашние животные
scared cat

If you have a child with lots of toys, then you've probably noticed that your cat is afraid of at least one of them. It happens with plenty of cats all over the world, and it's usually unclear why a certain toy can be so terrifying to a cat.

Kate Yakimchuk pets cats toys fears Animals

Достаточно неправильно разместить предмет мебели - и он начнёт сильно мешать жильцам квартиры.

Курчев Антон мебель диван уют ошибка советы дизайнера Дизайн и интерьер

The most popular paint removers: vinegar, hairspray, ammonia, glass cleaner.

Диана Дашкевич clothes stains washing lifehacks Helpful tips
young adult

Lots of people notice that modern young adults look and act younger than previous generations, and it's true.  The thing is, they don't actually want to grow up - or, at least, that's how older people see it these days.

Kate Yakimchuk adulthood youth responsibility personality Psychology