Elephants: Interesting Facts – Amazing Nature

10.01.2024 22:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

Elephants are natural eco-warriors and carbon sequesters, so protecting their populations is vital for both the environment and the species.

What elephants like to do

Elephants are intelligent and emotional creatures with very strong family bonds.

These gentle giants are known for their playful and curious nature.

A herd often chooses its leader not for strength, but out of respect for his intelligence and ability to solve problems.

Elephants are very smart. They can look at and recognize themselves in the mirror, remember even their oldest friends and mourn loved ones, just like we do. Ears help elephants cope with the heat.


They wave them at themselves to cool off.

Elephants have the largest brain volume among land animals.

Of course, this does not make them the smartest, but it gives them the opportunity to be among the top 10 most intelligent animals on the planet.

Elephants have the ability to imitate all kinds of sounds. They often use this property in hunting for food.

German researchers have found that the facial nerve nucleus of elephants contains an exceptionally high number of neurons compared to many other mammals—an average of 54,000 to 63,000, depending on the species.

Young elephants often play by splashing or splashing each other with water and mud.

They also love to wrestle with their trunks and practice pushing competitions.

In addition, they can mock other species of animals, such as antelopes.

Previously, we talked about lemurs.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

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