Fancy Pets: Mini Pig

06.08.2023 02:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

Keeping mini-pigs in an apartment or house is not recommended; it is best to build a special pen for the pet in the yard.

How smart are mini pigs

Mini-pigs are smart, and therefore, like dogs, they are easy to train. Commands "sit", "next", "stand", "dance!" your swine will do just fine. Pigs also adapt easily to a leash and harness.

Caring for mini pigs

These pets love to swim in the water, especially when they are also rubbed with a brush, their backs are scratched. Pigs are washed in warm water, then wiped dry and wrapped for a while.

In the summer, especially when it's hot outside, you can put a bath so that the mini-pig can cool down.

Mini-pigs also need to be washed once a week, their hooves trimmed, and walked. Yes Yes. With a piglet, as with a dog, you need to walk daily, after putting on a special leash and helmet.

Photo: Pixabay

Feeding minipigs

Buckwheat porridge, apples, carrots, cucumbers and other melons, bananas are suitable for feeding minipigs. About 10% of the diet should come from various dairy products. It can be kefir, yogurt without filler and added sugar or cottage cheese.

With a diet without porridge, the daily dose will be: 4-5% of the body weight of the piglet vegetables and fruits + 3-5% of the body weight of the piglet greens, salads, grass. In just a day, a mini pig should eat food in an amount of no more than 10% of its own body weight.

How to bathe a mini pig

The toilet, as well as the pet’s personal place, must be kept clean and cleaned regularly, and disinfected with special solutions once a week. It is advisable to bathe mini-pigs as they get dirty. To prevent the hooves from sliding on the smooth surface of the bath, you need to buy a rubber mat and lay it on the bottom of the bath.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How smart are mini pigs
  2. Caring for mini pigs
  3. Feeding minipigs
  4. How to bathe a mini pig

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