Fish seem to be pets that are extremely low-maintenance, and in most cases they really are.
At the same time, you should know that some fish shouldn't be placed together, or they will fight or hunt each other.
Let's find out more.
Aggressive fish, such as Cichlids, should not be housed with peaceful and docile species like Tetras or Guppies.
The aggressive fish may attack and harm the more passive ones.
Predatory fish like Oscars, Pike cichlids, or larger catfish should not be kept with small fish like Neon Tetras or Danios.
The smaller fish are likely to be viewed as food and become targets for predation.
Certain fish species have a tendency to nip at the fins of others, causing stress, injury, and infection.
Avoid keeping fin-nipping species like Tiger Barbs or Serpae Tetras with long-finned and delicate fish like Angelfish or Guppies.
Fish that inhabit different areas of the aquarium may have conflicting behaviors.
Bottom-dwelling species like Corydoras catfish may be stressed by aggressive surface swimmers like Hatchetfish, as they occupy different zones within the tank.