Breakfast that is good for gut health: important information for you

19.08.2024 18:00

Breakfast is an important meal that should consist of healthy foods.

What kind of breakfast will be good for digestion

You can start your morning with a hearty breakfast of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Add different types of products to your plate - meat, vegetables, grains, oils.

For example, excellent sources of protein for breakfast are chicken, turkey, shrimp, salmon, beans, lentils, chicken eggs, yogurt, cottage cheese.

Foods rich in proteins and fiber will prolong the feeling of satiety.

Photo: © Belnovosti

From vegetables, these can be iceberg lettuce, arugula, broccoli, sweet peppers, corn, cucumber, fresh tomatoes.

As healthy sources of fats, you can choose avocado, chicken yolk, cream, sesame, olive oil, butter, cheese.

These products are rich in healthy fats, which play an important role in a person's well-being and appearance.

Healthy fats make hair and skin healthy and beautiful.

You can also make a sweet breakfast. For example, use granola, nuts, Greek yogurt, fruits, berries, seeds.

Try to make such a breakfast without added sugar.

For example, choose yogurt without sugar, add a little honey, berries and fruits to granola.

In addition, you can make a fruit smoothie. You can add fruits and berries to taste.

For example, banana, strawberry, cashew; avocado, apple, spinach.

In addition, a great variation of breakfast with fruits is a smoothie bowl.

Put the smoothie in a deep plate and decorate the top with nuts, flax seeds, coconut flakes, chia seeds, fresh berries and fruits.

Granola will give your smoothie bowl a nice, crunchy texture.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource