Many dogs love to play with sticks outside.
In the article, we will tell you whether it is safe for the animal.
Is it safe for a dog to chew sticks
Sticks may not be safe for your dog.

The splinters that form as a result of the pet's sharp teeth hitting the stick can not only injure the mouth, but also get into the stomach or get stuck in the throat when inhaling.
If the stick is large and has branches, your animal runs the risk of injuring its eyes.
Wood chips splinter easily when chewed, and splinters can become lodged in your dog's mouth, causing an infection.
In addition, if pieces of wood are swallowed, it can cause intestinal obstruction.
What sticks can you allow your dog to chew
Dogs can be given any sticks, except resin-containing trees such as spruce or pine.
This wood is bitter, so dogs don’t like to chew it. Although this is a matter of taste.
Some dogs enjoy chewing branches from coniferous trees and even pine cones.
Make sure there is nothing sharp on the stick.
In case of injury, contact your veterinarian immediately.
Previously, we told you why dogs bark at the mirror.