How to Grow Basil: Helpful Tips

25.08.2024 06:00

You can grow basil both outdoors and indoors.

How to Grow Basil

Containers with basil should be covered with cling film to create optimal conditions for the plant's growth.

From autumn to spring, it is recommended to carefully monitor the basil's daylight hours, extending them by four hours daily.

This is especially important, since during this period natural light may not be enough for the plant to fully develop.

On cloudy and rainy days, when there is practically no sunlight, the lamp should be left on all day.

Photo: © Pixabay

This will help provide the basil with the necessary amount of light for photosynthesis and maintaining health.

Regular lighting promotes active growth and strengthening of the plant, which is especially important in winter.

In addition, it is important to monitor the temperature and humidity in the room where the basil is grown.

The optimal temperature for basil growth is about 20-25 degrees Celsius. Air humidity should also be at 50-60% so that the plant feels comfortable.

For active branching and the formation of a greater number of lateral shoots, the top of the plant is carefully pinched after 4-5 pairs of leaves appear.

The soil under the bushes is regularly loosened, moistened and fertilized with minerals.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource