How to grow indoor daffodils: flower care rules

28.03.2024 20:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

Daffodils can be grown not only in the garden, but also in the house.

In this article, we will tell you how to grow indoor daffodils.

How to grow daffodils at home

Daffodils can be grown at home using ceramic flower pots.

With a minimum of effort, the plant will definitely delight you with flowering.

At home, daffodils in a pot bloom for 10 to 15 days.


Therefore, to enjoy the blooms longer, choose daffodils in a pot with flowers that are just beginning to bloom or have not bloomed.

It is necessary to water daffodils in a pot as the soil dries out - about 1-2 times a week.

For more luxuriant flowering, the pot should be placed on the windowsill.

For irrigation, use settled water at neutral temperature.

During the flowering period, the plant may require more abundant watering, and at the end - moderate.

Why don't daffodils bloom in a pot

For their development and flowering, daffodils prefer neutral or slightly acidic soil - pH 5-7.

If the soil is too acidic, add lime or dolomite flour.

In addition, daffodils will not bloom in shade or partial shade.

Choose the sunniest place in the house.

Previously, we told you why tomatoes do not grow sweet.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How to grow daffodils at home
  2. Why don't daffodils bloom in a pot