How to grow zucchini: advice from professionals

13.06.2024 17:00

Zucchini does not require special care.

It is enough to know a few growing secrets.

What place in the garden is suitable for zucchini

Since zucchini loves warmth and light, choose an area in the garden that receives the most sunlight.

In addition, plants do not tolerate drafts well.

Therefore, choose a windless area in the garden for growing.

Photo: © Belnovosti

It is also important to fertilize the plant with rotted manure or compost.

How to grow zucchini

Add compost or manure to the soil at planting time.

Sow zucchini seeds or plant seedlings when frost is likely behind you.

To get rid of weeds, use mulch. This will also help keep the soil moist.

Plants should be watered regularly - 1 inch of water weekly.

During the growing season, it is important to slightly increase the amount of watering.

Zucchini grows tasteless and hard due to insufficient or improper watering or fertilization.

Remove all weeds near the vegetable, trim off wilted leaves.

When flowers appear, add a balanced fertilizer to the soil.

Keep the soil moist.

Make watering more frequent if the weather is dry and hot.

Previously, we told you how to water strawberries correctly.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What place in the garden is suitable for zucchini
  2. How to grow zucchini