Pro Tips: How to Grow Lavender

02.07.2023 13:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

Lavender is an aromatic plant that is used in perfumery and cooking. In the article we will tell you how to grow lavender yourself.


Lavender should only be planted in open, well-warmed areas. Of course, the plant will also take root in shady areas, but in this case it will not please with abundant flowering. In addition, the roots of lavender bushes do not like waterlogging, they easily rot.

The soil

Lavender does not tolerate close groundwater, so it must be planted in beds or flower. Lavender loves loose, light, fertile, well-drained soils with a neutral reaction environment. It will not grow on heavy clay and acidic soil.


Water the lavender abundantly, but do not allow waterlogging when puddles form on the surface of the soil. Water 2 times a week at the rate of 2 - 3 watering cans per plant. In the heat, increase the frequency of watering.


It is better to feed lavender bushes with potash fertilizers. But with nitrogen fertilizing should be more careful. They are best used only in the spring, as it stimulates the growth of green mass.

Photo: Pixabay

Do I need to pinch lavender

In total, it is recommended to do pinching 3 times per season. The first time you need to pinch Lavender, after the formation of 3-4 pairs of leaves. This stimulates the growth of new side branches, if this is not done, they may never wake up.

Can you grow lavender in a pot

Lavender on the windowsill is real, but without following the planting and care technique, it will not live long. First you need to choose the right container. You can use a pot or container, the volume of which will be at least two liters. A proper drainage system will improve water and air circulation.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Place
  2. The soil
  3. Watering
  4. Fertilizer
  5. Do I need to pinch lavender
  6. Can you grow lavender in a pot