Get ready for travel: Keep your house safe

05.11.2023 14:50
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

If you plan a little trip, or you're about to leave for weeks, then you should prepare your house for that time well.

It's not only about safety, but also its perfect condition, so you can be sure that everything is fine while you're away.

Here are some tims on what you should do before you leave.

Lock Doors and Windows

Go through your home and double-check that all doors and windows are securely locked. 

This is the first step to keeping your home safe while you're away.


Unplug Electronics

To save energy and reduce the risk of accidents, unplug devices like televisions, chargers, and kitchen appliances. 

This also helps lower your electricity bill.

Adjust Thermostat

Set your thermostat to a temperature that conserves energy. 

In winter, you can lower the heat a bit to save on heating costs, but make sure it's still warm enough to prevent freezing pipes. 

In summer, raise the thermostat to save on cooling expenses.

Turn Off Lights

Switch off all lights before leaving. 

To enhance security, you can leave a couple of lights on or use timers that turn lights on and off, making it seem like someone is at home.

Secure Valuables

Store valuable items, important documents, and jewelry in a safe place, or consider renting a safe deposit box at your bank. 

This extra security measure can provide peace of mind.

Clean the Fridge

Check your refrigerator for perishable items that might spoil while you're away. 

Dispose of these items to avoid returning to a smelly fridge. Empty the kitchen trash as well.

Check Plumbing

Examine all faucets to make sure they're turned off properly, and there are no leaks. 

This helps prevent water damage. If you're concerned about leaks, you can shut off the main water supply to your house.

Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Lock Doors and Windows
  2. Unplug Electronics
  3. Adjust Thermostat
  4. Turn Off Lights
  5. Secure Valuables
  6. Clean the Fridge
  7. Check Plumbing