

Traveling with your partner is not only enjoyable, but also beneficial for your relationship. However, there are some risks.

Diana Dashkevich relationship mental health psychologist tips Psychology 24 June 2024

Traveling is a big strain on the body. It is important to know what is healthy to eat on the road.

Diana Dashkevich food healthy food food facts Cooking 23 May 2024

People often travel abroad to experience something new, including trying out new food. Meanwhile, before you actually get wherever you want to be, you have to eat, especially when your road is actually long.

Kate Yakimchuk snacking cooking ideas healthy food tips Cooking 16 January 2024

Psychologists assure that traveling radically changes a person. They not only broaden our horizons, saturate our lives with bright impressions and colors, but also change our vision of the world, our attitude towards people around us, help us set priorities correctly and change values.

Diana Dashkevich health mental health fun facts Psychology 14 January 2024

If you dream of traveling, but simply can't start, then it's not always because you have no opportunity to do so – many people are just afraid! Traveling can bring lots of amazing experiences, but it can also be a bit scary, especially if you want to travel alone.

Kate Yakimchuk fears experience self-love mental health Psychology 9 January 2024

When traveling, you should take some of your hygiene products with you, so you can stay clean and comfortable. But how can you keep these things clean all the time?

Kate Yakimchuk cleaning storage tips ideas Helpful tips 6 January 2024

If you love stocking up on hygiene products, then you should store them properly – that's the only way to keep them clean and safe. While these products don't usually go off like food, they can be easily destroyed by dirt, humidity, or temperature.

Kate Yakimchuk cleaning storage tips ideas Helpful tips 4 January 2024

If you plan a little trip, or you're about to leave for weeks, then you should prepare your house for that time well. It's not only about safety, but also its perfect condition, so you can be sure that everything is fine while you're away.

Kate Yakimchuk safety tips House Design 5 November 2023
sailor cat

People need animals for many reasons, and they need them in different situations, including sea travel. Sailors had to take different animals on board with them - not only as food, but also as companions and friends.

Kate Yakimchuk pets history Animals 18 September 2023