How to place pictures of different sizes on the wall: Group and arrange

30.08.2023 05:20
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Arranging different-sized pictures on a wall can create an appealing and balanced display. 

You can create your personal installation, or you can even turn your photos into an art object - just be creative!

Here's a step-by-step guide to help you achieve a visually pleasing arrangement.

Plan the Layout

Before placing any nails or hooks, plan the layout on the floor or a large table. 

Arrange the pictures in various combinations until you find a configuration that you like. 

gallery wall

Consider mixing different sizes, orientations (portrait and landscape), and styles for visual interest.

Find the Focal Point

Determine whether you want to create a focal point within the arrangement. 

This could be a larger picture or a group of pictures centered in the arrangement.

Measure and Mark

Measure the dimensions of the wall space where you want to hang the pictures. 

Mark the center point of the wall and any reference lines to guide your arrangement.

Start with the Largest Piece

Begin by hanging the largest picture or the focal point of your arrangement. 

Center it on the wall or slightly above eye level for optimal viewing.

Work from the Center Outward

If you're creating a symmetrical arrangement, hang pictures on either side of the center, maintaining balance and spacing. 

For an asymmetrical arrangement, start with the center and gradually build outward.

Maintain Consistent Spacing

Keep a consistent gap between the pictures to create a cohesive look. 

You can use pieces of paper cut to the size of your pictures to help visualize the spacing before hanging.

Vary Heights and Sizes

When arranging pictures, vary the heights and sizes to create a dynamic display. 

This prevents monotony and adds visual interest.

Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Plan the Layout
  2. Find the Focal Point
  3. Measure and Mark
  4. Start with the Largest Piece
  5. Work from the Center Outward
  6. Maintain Consistent Spacing
  7. Vary Heights and Sizes