Dusting the glassware: Housekeeping tips

19.10.2023 22:10
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

Your glassware can become dusty very quickly, so you have to clean in regularly - but how to do it correctly?

It's not only about getting rid of dust effectively, but also about doing it safely without breaking your glasses.

Here are a few tips that might help.

Gather Your Supplies

Find a soft, lint-free cloth for dusting. 

Microfiber cloths work well, but an old, clean cotton T-shirt or a special glass cleaning cloth will also do.


Inspect the Glassware

Examine your glassware closely. Look for any visible dirt, dust, or smudges. 

If you see any loose particles, gently tap the glassware to remove them or use a soft-bristle brush (like a paintbrush) to sweep them away.

Hold Securely

Make sure you have a firm grip on the glass item. Hold it by the base or a stable part to prevent dropping or accidentally applying too much pressure.

Wiping the Glassware

Fold your cloth or use a clean section if you're using a larger cloth.

Start at the top of the glass and work your way down. You can use a circular motion or straight lines; it's a matter of personal preference.

Apply gentle and even pressure. Avoid pressing too hard to prevent leaving streaks or causing damage.

Wipe the entire surface of the glassware, including the stem or handle, if applicable.

Inspect for Streaks or Spots

After you've wiped the glassware, examine it closely for any streaks or spots.

If you see streaks, foggy patches, or spots, you can use a clean and dry section of the cloth to gently buff them away.

Continue this process until the glass is clear and shiny.

Handle with Care

Be cautious when handling the freshly cleaned glassware to avoid adding new smudges or fingerprints. Hold it by a less noticeable area if possible.


Dusting your glassware is a meticulous process, and attention to detail ensures that your glass items remain crystal clear and visually appealing. 

Be patient, and with practice, you'll become adept at keeping your glassware in pristine condition.

Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Gather Your Supplies
  2. Inspect the Glassware
  3. Hold Securely
  4. Wiping the Glassware
  5. Inspect for Streaks or Spots
  6. Handle with Care
  7. Conclusion