How to teach your kid to clean their room: No pressure needed

07.07.2023 23:20
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

Kids don't like cleaning - that's a pretty universal thing that parents often struggle with.

At the same time, teaching your child to clean their room by themselves is possible - you just need to know the right approach.

Let's find out more.

Set Clear Expectations

Explain to your child the importance of keeping their room clean and organized. 

Clearly communicate your expectations regarding cleanliness and tidiness. 

child washing dishes

Make sure they understand why it's important and how it benefits them.

Make It Fun

Cleaning doesn't have to be a chore. 

Turn it into a fun activity by playing upbeat music, setting a timer for a cleaning challenge, or offering small rewards or incentives upon completion. 

Encourage your child to take pride in their clean room.

Encourage Ownership

Encourage your child to take ownership of their room by giving them some control over its organization. 

Let them decide where to place their belongings or how to arrange their furniture within reason. 

This helps them develop a sense of responsibility and pride in their space.

Foster Good Habits

Reinforce good habits by consistently reminding your child to clean up after themselves throughout the day, not just during designated cleaning times. 

Encourage them to put away toys, hang up clothes, or tidy up small messes as they occur.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Set Clear Expectations
  2. Make It Fun
  3. Encourage Ownership
  4. Foster Good Habits

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