If you notice this, don’t eat it: a simple way to quickly identify stale eggs

06.05.2024 01:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:20

Sometimes it is difficult to determine whether an egg is spoiled or not.

In this article, we will tell you how to determine this without breaking an egg.

How to identify stale eggs

Submerge the eggs in water. If they remain lying on the bottom in a horizontal position, then they are very fresh.

Eggs, slightly raised at an obtuse angle upward, are no longer fresh, but can still be used in preparing hot dishes.

If they float to the surface, then the eggs are spoiled and cannot be eaten.


A spoiled egg must be carefully thrown away without breaking it.

If a rotten egg breaks, a terrible smell will permeate the entire kitchen and your home.

What does a spoiled egg look like inside

If the egg is fresh, the yolk will be located in the center, the white will be bright white, without inclusions, spots or darkening.

If you see that there are blood clots, inclusions, or color changes on the yolk or egg white, the egg is spoiled.

How long do eggs last

Eggs should only be stored in the refrigerator.

As a rule, chicken eggs retain their freshness for 25-90 days.

The expiration date of eggs should be indicated on the packaging.

Previously, we told you what foods cause arthritis.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How to identify stale eggs
  2. What does a spoiled egg look like inside
  3. How long do eggs last