Protein: Health Benefits

25.12.2023 20:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

The main tasks of proteins are to ensure the growth, construction and development of the body.

Almost all enzymes and some hormones have a protein composition.

Proteins are actively involved in the production of antibodies and ensure the strength and activity of the immune system, and are also involved in the transport of many compounds.

Why do you need to eat protein

Protein is a building material for cells, the basis of chemical processes, it plays a key role in the functioning of the immune system.

Muscles, blood vessels, tissues of internal organs, blood cells, antibodies, enzymes and hormones - all this is in our body thanks to proteins.


Where are proteins found

Animal proteins are those found in animal products (meat, fish, seafood, eggs and dairy products).

Plant proteins are those found in foods of plant origin (legumes, nuts, cereals, vegetables, soy).

There are two cereals - buckwheat and quinoa, the kernels of which do not contain this substance, and they are the champions in protein content (more than 12%).

Which dairy product has more protein

Skim cheese. This product tops our list for a reason.

Cottage cheese contains a large amount of casein - this is a fraction of milk protein, which is slowly digested and absorbed by the body, thereby ensuring a smooth flow of amino acids into the blood and giving a feeling of long-term satiety.

How to get protein for breakfast

As a source of protein for breakfast, we choose eggs, fish, seafood, cottage cheese, cheese, liver pate, as well as quinoa and buckwheat (record holders among cereals for protein content). “You shouldn’t be afraid of fats either.”

Previously, we talked about what complex carbohydrates are.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Why do you need to eat protein
  2. Where are proteins found
  3. Which dairy product has more protein
  4. How to get protein for breakfast