Protein is vital for human functioning. In this article, we will tell you how to reach your daily protein requirement.
Diana Dashkevich food food facts health health facts Cooking 26 March 2024A person should get at least 10% of their calories from protein. In this article, we will tell you what a lack of protein in the diet leads to.
Diana Dashkevich nutrition health facts nutrition facts Cooking 20 February 2024Protein bars are a great snack option for those who plan to lose excess weight faster.
Diana Dashkevich healthy food health facts nutrition Cooking 1 February 2024Scientists discovered more about how the human brain responds to injuries. They found a vital protein called Snail that helps coordinate the response of brain cells after an injury to the central nervous system.
Kate Yakimchuk research brain damage health facts science Psychology 22 January 2024The main tasks of proteins are to ensure the growth, construction and development of the body. Almost all enzymes and some hormones have a protein composition. Proteins are actively involved in the production of antibodies and ensure the strength and activity of the immune system, and are also involved in the transport of many compounds.
Diana Dashkevich food nutrition food facts health facts Cooking 25 December 2023A recent study helps us understand how the brain reacts to injuries. Scientists found that a protein called Snail is crucial in organizing how brain cells respond after an injury.
Kate Yakimchuk brain damage research human brain science Psychology 13 December 2023Scientists tend to research different foods and nutrients to find out ways on how to live a longer and happier life. A new study with mice found that reducing a specific amino acid called isoleucine can have many benefits for them.
Kate Yakimchuk research health Cooking 27 November 2023Scientists try their best to find solutions that can help people with obesity to become healthier. More than 30% of American adults are now considered obese, and this is a concern because it increases the risk of various diseases like diabetes, heart problems, and even COVID-19.
Kate Yakimchuk research weight obesity Cooking 18 September 2023Every cell in the human body is partly made up of protein. Eating protein from foods helps the body repair existing cells and create new ones.
Diana Dashkevich food health Cooking 5 September 2023When dieting, it's essential to maintain an adequate intake of protein for several reasons. Eating too few proteins while dieting can have negative consequences for your health and weight loss goals.
Kate Yakimchuk food dieting health Cooking 2 September 2023Beef is a great source of protein, and also an important ingredient of many amazing dishes. Whether or not you can eat beef as part of your diet depends on several factors, including your dietary preferences, health goals, and any specific dietary restrictions you may have.
Kate Yakimchuk beef meat dieting health Cooking 17 August 2023Vegetable salads can be delicious on their own, but they can't be as fulfilling as salads that also contain protein. Adding sources of protein to your vegetable salads is important for several reasons.
Kate Yakimchuk salad cooking tips healthy food healthy diet Cooking 20 July 2023Using multiple sources of protein in a salad offers several benefits for a balanced and nutritious meal. If you want to make your salads more nutritious (or just tastier), then you should use more than one source of protein.
Kate Yakimchuk healthy food healthy diet salad cooking tips Cooking 13 July 2023Pork is a common meat choice for many people, but dietary preferences, cultural or religious beliefs, health considerations, or personal choices may lead individuals to seek alternatives. It is possible to replace pork with other types of meat in your diet without losing lots of useful nutrients.
Kate Yakimchuk meat cooking tips healthy food healthy diet Cooking 13 July 2023