Dining with our loved ones make us less stressed: How close people make us happier and healthier

24.07.2023 17:20
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

Chronic stress can significantly impact heart health, increasing the risk of heart disease and stroke over a lifetime.

However, a recent survey conducted by the American Heart Association suggests that regular mealtime with loved ones can be a simple yet effective solution to manage stress.

Let's find out more!

A new study on stress and having meals together

The survey involved 1,000 U.S. adults, and an overwhelming majority expressed a desire to share meals more often with the closest people.

Parents particularly noted lower stress levels among their family members when they regularly eat together.

family dinner

To promote the benefits of mealtime togetherness, the AHA launched the #TogetherTuesday campaign, offering practical and cheap meal tips to encourage people to prioritize shared meals.

It's beneficial in many ways

Talking to others during meals not only fights stress but also boosts self-esteem and improves your social connections.

The survey also highlighted that sharing meals with others reminds people of the importance of communication and encourages them to slow down a bit and relax.

It's hard to find time for that

The survey revealed that a significant portion of adults experience stress, with over a quarter reporting high levels of stress.

Among those employed full or part-time, many expressed that sharing a meal with coworkers would alleviate stress at work and wished they had more time for breaks.

Whether in person or virtually, gathering for meals with loved ones can have far-reaching benefits for mental and emotional well-being, helping to manage stress and promote heart-healthy lifestyles.

Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. A new study on stress and having meals together
  2. It's beneficial in many ways