

Many specialists claim that people should take vitamin D, and it's especially important in winter. This vitamin can significantly improve your health, and even quality of life - but how?

Kate Yakimchuk vitamin deficiency vitamins sunlight health Psychology 18 December 2023
dog owner

Pets are amazing companions, but they can benefit your life even more - for instance, they can help you live longer. It's not a joke - having a pet can improve your well-being and make your life generally better and more fulfilling.

Kate Yakimchuk pets owners life Animals 15 September 2023

Shopping can have both positive and negative effects on stress, and its impact can vary from person to person.  While some people find shopping to be a stress-relieving activity, others may experience increased stress or negative consequences as a result of shopping. 

Kate Yakimchuk shopping stress Psychology 3 September 2023

Fighting anxiety involves adopting a combination of strategies that can help you manage and alleviate its symptoms.  Keep in mind that while these techniques can be effective, it's important to consult with a mental health professional if your anxiety is severe or interfering with your daily life. 

Kate Yakimchuk anxiety stress tips Psychology 2 September 2023
thumbs up

New research highlights the power of validating the feelings of distressed friends or family members.  When it's easy to understand that validation matters, now it's scientifically proven that it affects our well-being a lot.

Kate Yakimchuk research validation self-esteem Psychology 28 August 2023
pet owner

We all love pets for different reasons, but it's hard to deny that they can impact our mental health a lot. Pets can provide significant emotional support and help individuals combat stress in various ways. 

Kate Yakimchuk pets owners stress Animals 26 August 2023
stressed woman

Pressure is overwhelming, and even strong people can feel exhausted when constantly pressed by other people's expectations and responsibilities. Feeling under pressure is a common experience, and there are several strategies you can employ to cope with and manage the situation effectively. 

Kate Yakimchuk stress pressure Psychology 26 August 2023

Busy people often don't have time to clean their houses properly, but it doesn't mean they don't need cleanliness at all. Even for busy individuals, maintaining a clean home holds significant importance for various practical, psychological, and health-related reasons. 

Kate Yakimchuk cleaning tips Helpful tips 26 August 2023
sad woman

You can heal your depression, but it's often hard to change your worldview after that, a new study claims. Individuals who have recovered from a major depressive episode seem to dedicate more time to processing negative information and less time to processing positive information, compared to those who haven't experienced such episodes. 

Kate Yakimchuk research depression Psychology 26 August 2023
cat sleeping

Your perception of sleep quality has a profound impact on your overall well-being, according to a recent study delving into the connection between sleep satisfaction and happiness. It's widely acknowledged that good sleep contributes to happiness, but the study underscores that not only the objective sleep quality, but also your personal feelings about it, play a pivotal role in your overall contentment.

Kate Yakimchuk research sleep health Psychology 22 August 2023
guitar playing

Music can heal your heart, and music education can make your life better. A recent USC study sheds light on the positive impact of music education on adolescents, extending beyond enhanced brain neural connections to actually boosting their overall well-being. 

Kate Yakimchuk research music Psychology 20 August 2023

It's no surprise that better living conditions and financial situation makes people generally happier, but attending university seems to have the same effect. Researchers from the University of Surrey have conducted a study that reveals disparities in mental health outcomes among young people based on factors such as ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and university attendance. 

Kate Yakimchuk research university personality Psychology 11 August 2023

Celebrating great events with close people make us happier - even if we are too tired or busy. A new study shows that celebrations can actually improve your mental health, and it often works even if you don't always think that it will help.

Kate Yakimchuk research celebration party Psychology 6 August 2023

Most people know that being smart can make you live longer, because you tend to escape potentially dangerous or silly situations better. Interestingly, it's true not only for people, but also some animals, including lemurs.

Kate Yakimchuk research intelligence life Psychology 1 August 2023
dog sleeping

We all know that we can't live and operate well without proper sleep - it's just one of the necessities for our bodies. At the same time, good sleep isn't always possible when the quality of life is bad, a new study claims.

Kate Yakimchuk sleep research Psychology 30 July 2023
family dinner

Chronic stress can significantly impact heart health, increasing the risk of heart disease and stroke over a lifetime. However, a recent survey conducted by the American Heart Association suggests that regular mealtime with loved ones can be a simple yet effective solution to manage stress.

Kate Yakimchuk communication research family mental health Psychology 24 July 2023

Doctors rarely prescribe walks in nature, although they should. In the article we will tell you why nature has such a positive effect on well-being.

Diana Dashkevich mental health nature facts studies Psychology 13 July 2023