Expert Opinion: Causes of Poor Memory

05.02.2024 23:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

The causes of memory impairment may be directly related to brain damage.

What can cause poor memory

These include lesions such as traumatic brain injury, stroke, and brain cancer.

Deterioration of brain function may be due to diseases of other organs and organ systems.

A disease characterized by complete or partial loss of the ability to remember events is called amnesia.

The specific diagnosis of the type of amnesia depends on the damage to a specific part of the brain.


At what age do memory problems begin

Most often, memory and attention disorders are observed in older people due to natural aging of the body.

After the age of 60-65 years, the functional activity of the brain decreases.

An old person can be forgetful and inattentive, but this does not always indicate pathology.

What impairs memory

Constant, prolonged stress and depressive disorders have a negative impact on memory.

Due to the fact that the brain focuses on a disturbing problem, a person may become absent-minded in other areas of life.

Researchers have found that brain training may be beneficial for groups such as people suffering from depression and people with Parkinson's disease.

What is missing in the body if memory is bad

Vitamin D deficiency has been found to impair the brain's ability to plan, process, and form recent memories.

As a result of experimental work, it became known about the connection between a decrease in vitamin D levels in older people and memory loss as a result of aging.

Previously, we talked about how lack of sun affects a person.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What can cause poor memory
  2. At what age do memory problems begin
  3. What impairs memory
  4. What is missing in the body if memory is bad