Scientists note that those who constantly play sports get sick in half the time.
By increasing your heart rate, the body's immune response increases and this helps the body cope better with viruses and bacteria.
Physical activity also has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart, brain and entire body.
During exercise, the circulation of immunoglobulins, neutrophils and natural killer cells increases, which persists for up to 3 hours after exercise.
This exercise-induced increase in immune cells is temporary but improves the body's overall control of pathogens.
A 2019 review published in the Journal of Sport and Health found that exercise can improve your immune response, reduce your risk of disease, and reduce inflammation.
Three types of sports disciplines are considered the most beneficial for health: swimming, running, Nordic walking.
It is these sports that help maintain healthy joints and muscles, improve respiratory function, and resist stress.
There are three factors that contribute to the weakening of an athlete’s immunity: increased physical activity, psycho-emotional overload, and competitive stress.
The situation is aggravated by lack of sleep and inadequate nutrition.