It's not a personal attack: How to become more relaxed and easy-going

10.09.2023 16:10
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Some people can read others well, and some people just see personal attacks everywhere - and it might be challenging for both them and the others.

In most cases, you can change the way you think - you just need more practice, and some tips can help as well.

Here are the things you can do to stop seeing everyone as your personal offender.

It's time to pause for a while

When you feel like something is an attack, take a moment to pause and take a deep breath. This can help you calm down and think more clearly.

You shouldn't assume that everyone has bad intentions

Try to think about whether the person actually meant to hurt or attack you. Sometimes, people say or do things without realizing how it might come across.

angry person

Just ask instead of getting offended

Instead of assuming, ask the person questions to understand their point of view. Maybe there's a misunderstanding that can be cleared up.

Facts matter more than assumptions

Stick to the facts of the situation rather than letting your emotions take over. Sometimes, our feelings can make things seem like personal attacks when they're not.

Be more confident

Work on building your self-confidence so that you don't feel as threatened by others' words or actions. When you're more secure in yourself, you're less likely to see everything as an attack.

Being more empathetic might help

Try to put yourself in the other person's shoes and see things from their perspective. This can help you understand that their actions may not be about you personally.

Remember, changing this perspective takes time and practice. Be patient with yourself as you work on seeing things in a more balanced way.

Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. It's time to pause for a while
  2. You shouldn't assume that everyone has bad intentions
  3. Just ask instead of getting offended
  4. Facts matter more than assumptions
  5. Be more confident
  6. Being more empathetic might help