Sometimes jealousy is hidden rather than obvious.
In this article, we will tell you how to understand that your partner has a hidden feeling of jealousy.
Hidden jealousy towards a partner is a strong, emotional feeling that arises from a lack of attention and love in a relationship, as well as an unconscious fear of rejection and loneliness.
The person chooses not to express their feelings openly due to shame and guilt.
Unable to suppress his emotions, a person acts in such a way that his other half does not suspect something is wrong.
Passive aggression is a common sign of hidden jealousy.
If a person does not want to show jealousy openly, then he may become irritated and angry. .
Hidden checks, questions, tests are also often practiced.
There may also be some prohibition on communicating with friends.
An excess of useless questions and excessive suspicion also indicate a fear of betrayal.
Previously, we talked about why it is so difficult to leave an abusive relationship.