Projection is a concept in psychology that refers to the unconscious defense of the human psyche. Every person faces this.
Defensive projection is the attribution of one's emotions, feelings, and judgments to other people, animals, or objects.
This means that a person attributes unwanted feelings to someone else so as not to face reality and realize it.
Projection is a defense mechanism of the psyche that allows you to encounter an unwanted character trait without realizing it.
A classic example of projection is when people attribute their emotions to animals and say that the pet is sad or ashamed.
After all, dogs and cats are not capable of experiencing such a deep feeling as guilt.
People project character traits or desires that they find difficult to recognize in themselves.
For example, it could be unconscious sympathy or falling in love.
Instead of admitting his desire, the person attributes his sympathy to the second person.
Thus, people are sure that they are flirting with them, although in fact they have feelings and sympathy.
Projection helps a person isolate himself from unpleasant feelings and emotions.
It is easier to judge some characteristics of other people than to admit that it is in yourself.
Accordingly, through what a person says about the world around him and people, one can understand how this person really feels about himself.
You can understand that this is a projection either independently or with the help of a psychotherapist.
Previously, we talked about the types of manipulation in romantic relationships.