Many cat lovers don't know their pets as well as they think.
Cats are very interesting and special animals.
Today we will tell you about 10 interesting facts about cats that will surprise animal lovers.

Interesting Facts
- In the United States, cats are more popular than dogs. According to statistics, cats are chosen as pets 10% more often.
- Cats rub their heads against you not only as a sign of affection. Thus, the animal marks you, since special glands are located on the muzzle.
- Cats are unable to taste sweets. In addition, giving sweets to pets is extremely dangerous.
- Cats came to the territory of America only at the end of the 18th century, when they were brought specially from Europe.
- According to estimates, about 70 million stray cats live in the United States. A good reason to spay or neuter a pet that walks down the street.
- Meowing is a way of communication only with the owner. Animals use different ways of interacting with each other.
- Cats are good at distinguishing people by voice.
- The cat was sacred in ancient Egypt and as a sign of mourning, people shaved off their eyebrows when their cat died.
- The cognitive abilities of cats do not lag behind those of dogs.
- Cats need whiskers for better orientation in space, so they cannot be cut or shaved.
This is just a small part of the interesting information about these amazing animals.