Animals that changed a lot in 100 years: Environment and selective breeding can change a lot

19.08.2023 17:20
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

Over the span of 100 years, various animals have undergone significant changes, often influenced by human activities, environmental shifts, and natural selection. 

While 100 years is not enough for drastic changes, you can still spot some differences.

Some notable examples include these.

Domestic Dogs

Selective breeding and human intervention have led to a vast array of dog breeds with diverse appearances and traits, from the tiny Chihuahua to the massive Great Dane.


Urban environments have caused changes in pigeon behavior and appearance. 

house sparrows

City-dwelling pigeons often have different coloration and behavior compared to their rural counterparts.

Peppered Moths

The industrial revolution led to changes in the prevalence of peppered moth color variations. 

Darker moths became more common in polluted areas due to camouflage against soot-covered surfaces.

Cane Toads

The introduction of cane toads to various regions, such as Australia, has resulted in rapid changes in behavior and physiology to adapt to new environments.

House Sparrows

Human urbanization has influenced house sparrows to adapt to city life, altering their behavior, diet, and nesting habits.

Atlantic Cod

Overfishing and environmental changes have led to significant declines in the size and reproductive rates of Atlantic cod populations.


Intense poaching for ivory has led to a shift in the elephant population, with a rise in individuals born without tusks due to genetic factors.


Climate change has affected the timing of butterfly life stages, leading to shifts in flight patterns, migration, and seasonal behaviors.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Domestic Dogs
  2. Pigeons
  3. Peppered Moths
  4. Cane Toads
  5. House Sparrows
  6. Atlantic Cod
  7. Elephants
  8. Butterflies