Befriending aggressive cats: Patience matters

01.10.2023 11:20
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

If your neighbor has an aggressive cat, or your own new cat seems to be not exactly friendly, it can be pretty heartbreaking for a keen cat lover.

Luckily, you can change the situation and befriend this aggressive cat - you just need to be patient and caring, no pressure or hurry.

Here are a few tips on how to achieve better understanding and build trust with aggressive felines.

angry cat

Give Space

If the cat is aggressive, give it space and time to calm down. Don't force interaction.

Respect Their Boundaries

Cats like their personal space. Respect their boundaries and let them come to you when they're ready.

Slow Movements

When you approach the cat, do it slowly and calmly. Sudden movements can scare them.

Use Treats

Offer tasty treats to create a positive association. Give treats when the cat behaves calmly or comes near you.

Play Gentle Games

Use interactive toys like feather wands or laser pointers to play with the cat. This can help build trust.

Soft Voice

Speak to the cat in a soft, gentle voice. Avoid loud noises or yelling.


Building trust takes time. Be patient and consistent in your approach.

Watch for Signs

Pay attention to the cat's body language. If they hiss, growl, or flatten their ears, back off and try again later.

Offer a Safe Space

Create a safe and comfortable space for the cat with a cozy bed and toys.

Veterinarian Check

If the aggression continues, consult a vet. There may be an underlying health issue causing it.


In most cases, cats are aggressive when they don't feel safe - so you should slowly change their minds by being gentle, soft, and patient.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Give Space
  2. Respect Their Boundaries
  3. Slow Movements
  4. Use Treats
  5. Play Gentle Games
  6. Soft Voice
  7. Patience
  8. Watch for Signs
  9. Offer a Safe Space
  10. Veterinarian Check
  11. Conclusion