There is a myth that cats are not as loved by their owners as dogs.
In this article, we will tell you whether cats can truly become attached to a person.
Can cats really love
In fact, cats also know how to love and become attached to people, and not just to the house where she lives.

However, in their love they are not scattered like dogs. Scientists believe that cats are capable of experiencing emotions similar to those of small children.
Unlike dogs, cats show their affection and love for humans differently. They have their own ways.
Head butting and paw stomping are signs that a cat gives to its most valuable partners.
If she does this all the time, you are important to her. She can also bring her favorite toy as a sign of care and love.
In addition, to mark you, he will lick your hair, face or hands, sometimes biting you.
Cats form deep bonds with their people and can form bonds with one or more people depending on their history, personality, and socialization.
Many cats also prefer someone with a calmer personality and more predictable movements.
Previously, we told you which dog breeds are not suitable for beginners.