Cat feeding mistakes: Keep your pets healthy

27.09.2023 01:40
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Some pets seem to never be full - they can ask for more food whenever they see you, and sometimes it's pretty hard to resist.

Meanwhile, it's not a healthy thing to do, so if you want your cats to live longer, then you should avoid some feeding mistakes.

We've collected some of them for you, so you can keep them in mind while feeding yur fluffy friend.



Giving your cat too much food can lead to obesity and health problems. 

It's important to follow the recommended portion sizes on the cat food packaging or consult your vet for guidance.

Feeding Dogs' Food

Cats have different nutritional needs than dogs. Feeding your cat dog food won't provide them with the right nutrients they need to stay healthy.

Skipping Water

Cats need plenty of fresh water every day. Not having enough water can lead to urinary tract issues. Make sure your cat always has access to clean water.

Ignoring Age and Activity

Kittens, adult cats, and senior cats have different nutritional requirements. It's important to choose food that matches your cat's age and activity level.

Feeding Human Food

Some human foods can be toxic to cats, like chocolate, onions, and garlic. Avoid giving them these foods to keep your cat safe.

Inconsistent Feeding Schedule

Cats thrive on routine. Feeding them at different times every day can lead to digestive problems. Try to stick to a regular feeding schedule.

Feeding as a Reward

Using food as a reward for behavior can lead to overfeeding. Instead, use treats in moderation or other rewards like playtime.

Ignoring Food Allergies

Some cats have allergies to certain ingredients in their food. 

If your cat has allergic reactions like skin problems or digestive issues, consult your vet to find a suitable diet.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Overfeeding
  2. Feeding Dogs' Food
  3. Skipping Water
  4. Ignoring Age and Activity
  5. Feeding Human Food
  6. Inconsistent Feeding Schedule
  7. Feeding as a Reward
  8. Ignoring Food Allergies