Cats don't want to be trained: Know more about your pets

28.11.2023 12:22
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

Dogs can learn lots of tricks, but cats seem to do what they want - it's pretty hard to train them.

Cats aren't silly - they just think differently, and they don't particularly like following anyone's commands.

Here are a few reasons why it's so hard to train cats.


Independence Rules

Cats are independent creatures. They like doing their own thing, and sometimes they might not feel like following our training agenda.

Selective Listeners

Cats might choose when to listen. They're not always in the mood for lessons. 

It's like having a friend who only pays attention when they feel like it.

Not Treat Motivated

Unlike dogs, who go crazy for treats, cats might not be as interested. 

They have their own taste preferences, and sometimes they just don't find treats appealing.

Territorial Vibes

Cats are territorial animals. They like things the way they like them. 

Introducing changes, even if it's for training, might not always sit well with them.

Stress Easily

Cats can get stressed easily, especially with changes in their environment. Training might feel like a disruption to their peaceful kingdom.

Short Attention Spans

Cats have shorter attention spans compared to some other pets. Training sessions need to be quick and engaging to keep their interest.

Communication Challenges

Humans and cats communicate differently. Sometimes, what we think is clear might not be the same for them. 

It's like speaking different languages.

Respecting Personal Space

Cats love their personal space. They might not appreciate too much hands-on training. 

It's like trying to teach someone who prefers to learn from a distance.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Independence Rules
  2. Selective Listeners
  3. Not Treat Motivated
  4. Territorial Vibes
  5. Stress Easily
  6. Short Attention Spans
  7. Communication Challenges
  8. Respecting Personal Space