Cows: Interesting Facts – You Didn't Know About It

05.01.2024 23:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

The ancestor of the wild cow is considered to be the aurochs, which became extinct in the seventeenth century - a primitive wild bull that lived in the steppes of Africa, Asia and Europe.

At first, the domestication of aurochs was carried out solely for the purpose of obtaining meat.

What kind of memory does a cow have

Cows know their name very well and quickly respond to it.

They easily remember people and are able to recognize their owner from a large crowd.

To protect against enemies, nature has endowed cows with all-round vision - their viewing angle is 330°, while humans have 180°.


A herd of German cows adopted a wild boar piglet that had strayed from its relatives.

What colors does a cow see

Contrary to popular myth, bulls do not see the color red.

Cows are sensitive to shades of the yellow-green and blue spectrum. Each individual has a unique print.

Is it possible to approach a cow

You need to approach the cow with caution: its weight is 600–700 kilograms, it can easily trample a person.

When a cow is nervous, it snorts like a horse and sometimes kicks.

Previously, we talked about the evolution of horses.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What kind of memory does a cow have
  2. What colors does a cow see
  3. Is it possible to approach a cow