Don't overfeed your pets: Be a good pet owner

27.09.2023 18:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

If you love your pets and want them to live longer, then you need to keep your eyes on their health and feed them properly.

One of the worst things you can do to your pet is to overfeed them - but lots of people just want to make their pets happy, so they can't resist.

Here's why overfeeding pets is so bad for them.

Health Issues

Just like in people, eating too much can make pets overweight. 

That means they're carrying extra weight on their bodies, which can lead to joint pain, trouble breathing, and even diseases like diabetes.

fat cat

Less Energy

When pets eat too much, they might feel tired and lazy. They won't have the energy to play and have fun.

Shorter Life

Overfeeding can shorten your pet's life. They might not live as long if they're not at a healthy weight.

Stomach Problems

Too much food can upset their tummies, causing stomach aches or even vomiting.

Expensive Vet Bills

Taking care of an overweight pet can cost a lot of money. You might need to visit the vet more often, and medications can be expensive.


Most pets can't control their eating habits, so it's your responsibility to make sure they eat just enough to stay healthy and happy.

Therefore, don't try to make them excited all the time by giving them treats - it can only harm them in the future.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Health Issues
  2. Less Energy
  3. Shorter Life
  4. Stomach Problems
  5. Expensive Vet Bills
  6. Conclusion