Here are the causes of digestive problems in dogs: it will be useful for you

20.06.2024 21:00

Indigestion and other stomach or intestinal diseases are common in dogs.

Digestive problems are one of the most common reasons for visiting a veterinarian.

How to tell if your dog has digestive problems

If you observe any symptoms in your dog, this is a reason to contact a veterinarian.

As a rule, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, and refusal to eat indicate ill health of the intestines or stomach.

Your dog may also have bloating and flatulence.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Your dog may have serious problems if his body temperature is elevated, his stomach is enlarged, or his body is dehydrated.

If an animal is in pain, it will tuck its tail or squeal.

For what reasons can dogs have digestive problems

Most often, dogs have digestive problems due to the fact that the pet ate something bad on the street or at home.

For example, garbage, spoiled, fatty, sweet food.

Additionally, your dog may have an upset stomach due to stress and severe anxiety.

The animal may be worried about moving or having a new pet in the house.

Vomiting, diarrhea and fever can also be signs of an infectious disease.

This most often occurs in puppies, as their immune system is not yet fully developed.

Symptoms may also indicate a food allergy or inflammatory bowel disease.

Your dog could also be poisoned by something poisonous.

Avocados, raisins, grapes, dark chocolate, household chemicals, some types of indoor plants and fresh flowers are toxic to your pet.

GDV is a condition in which the stomach twists and rotates, trapping gases inside.

This is an extremely dangerous condition for your pet and requires urgent treatment due to the risk of bleeding.

In addition, dogs often suffer from diseases such as pancreatitis and intestinal obstruction.

Pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas due to fatty foods.

Intestinal obstruction is caused by a hernia, abnormal peristalsis, or ingestion of foreign objects.

Previously, we told you what emotions dogs can experience.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How to tell if your dog has digestive problems
  2. For what reasons can dogs have digestive problems