How to choose healthy dry dog food: useful tips

01.07.2024 00:00

A dog's health largely depends on proper and complete nutrition.

How to choose dry dog food

When choosing a high-quality dry food for your dog, pay attention to the following aspects:

Shape and texture: Look for croquettes with a variety of shapes that produce a crunch when chewed.

This not only stimulates your dog's chewing muscles, but also helps clean his teeth.

Complete: Choose foods that are high in nutrients, including quality meats, fresh vegetables, whole grains and healthy organ meats.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Natural Ingredients: Give preference to foods with natural ingredients such as meat, fish, eggs, as well as fresh vegetables and fruits, which enrich the diet with essential vitamins and minerals.

Rich in Meat Ingredients: A good dry food should contain 20% to 30% meat to provide adequate protein.

Minimal additives: Avoid foods with excess fillers, artificial colors and flavors, which can be harmful to your dog's health.

Nutritional Value: Choose foods that are easily digestible (at 70% or higher), which ensures your pet gets more nutrients from each serving.

Specialty foods: If your dog has special needs or is at risk for health conditions, consider specialty foods formulated for these conditions.

Previously, we told you whether dogs can eat salmon.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource