Pet birds are known to display various behaviors that indicate their affection towards their owners.
While birds are different from animals in many ways, some signs can tell you that your pet bird is happy to see you.
While each bird may have its unique way of expressing affection, here are some common ways pet birds show their love.

Birds are highly vocal creatures, and they often use their voices to communicate and bond with their human companions.
They may chirp, sing, whistle, or mimic sounds they hear in their environment, including human speech.
Preening is an essential grooming behavior for birds, and when they preen their feathers, it can be a sign of trust and affection.
Pet birds may also preen their owners by gently nibbling or grooming their hair, eyebrows, or eyelashes.
Wing and Head Displays
Birds may spread their wings partially or fully, puff up their feathers, or hold their wings in a raised position as a display of excitement and happiness.
This behavior can indicate their affection and desire for interaction.
Offering Gifts
In the wild, birds may present food or objects to their potential mates as a courtship behavior.
Pet birds may exhibit similar behavior by offering small items like toys, colorful objects, or even food to their owners.
Birds enjoy playtime and may engage in playful behaviors to show their affection.
They may hop around, flap their wings, or engage in games with their toys or their owner's hands.