How to understand that your dog becomes deaf: The most obvious sings

13.05.2024 21:25

Older dogs often become deaf, so it's harder for them to follow their owner's commands.

It's also harder for them to react to many things around them properly. 

Here are some signs that your dog doesn't misbehave, but becomes deaf instead.


Lack of Response to Sounds

One of the most apparent signs of hearing loss in dogs is a decreased or complete lack of response to sounds that previously would have prompted a reaction. 

Increased Startling

They may not respond when you enter a room or approach them from behind, as they cannot hear your footsteps or movements.

Sleeping More Soundly

They may not wake up or respond to noises that would typically rouse them from sleep, such as the sound of food being prepared or other household activities.

Difficulty Locating Sounds

They may appear confused or look in different directions when they hear a noise, as they cannot accurately determine where it is coming from.

Changes in Behavior

Some dogs may display changes in behavior when they become deaf. 

They may become more anxious, clingy, or withdrawn. 

They might also be more prone to startle or become defensive in certain situations due to a lack of awareness of their surroundings.

Increased Vocalization

Some dogs may start vocalizing more frequently or at louder volumes when they lose their hearing. 

This could be due to frustration or an attempt to communicate in their own way.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Lack of Response to Sounds
  2. Increased Startling
  3. Sleeping More Soundly
  4. Difficulty Locating Sounds
  5. Changes in Behavior
  6. Increased Vocalization