In 2018, American researchers scanned the brain of a dog watching its owner feed and pet a toy.
During this process, the amygdala, which is responsible for aggression, showed strong activity.
Do animals get jealous
Jealousy is a feeling that is experienced not only by people, but also by animals.

Pets, for example, may also react negatively if they see their owner paying attention to someone else instead of them.
A dog or cat has only one favorite owner.
Why do dogs get jealous
It's all about deep instincts. Because of them, the dog always builds a hierarchy at home, including all animals and people.
In addition, the dog will drive away everyone who stands below her from the owner - the source of attention, affection and treats.
How jealousy manifests itself in cats
Cats can become jealous when they feel that the intensity of interaction with them has decreased.
They show signs of jealousy when you start paying more attention to another animal, laptop or person.
This could be the arrival of a new family member, such as a newborn baby or puppy.
Typical manifestations of jealousy include hissing, growling, and hitting an object with their paws that cats consider a competitor.