Interesting Facts: How Humans and Dogs Are Similar

18.07.2023 23:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

Photo: Pixabay

People tend to attribute typical human traits to a dog: the ability to empathize and perform meaningful actions, as well as the ability to recognize and understand speech. Much of this is a product of the human imagination. However, humans and dogs have something in common.

How are dogs similar to humans

According to a study published in the journal Communications Biology, specialized brain regions of dogs exhibited similar patterns of activity when presented with images of other dogs or humans. This discovery highlights the close bond that has developed between dogs and humans over the millennia.

In addition, dogs control their behavior in the same way as small children. That is, they can follow instructions, think before doing something.

The dog can also suppress the urge to chew furniture or bark at guests, memorize the daily routine, follow the owner's commands. According to scientists, animals developed such abilities due to the fact that they lived next to people for several tens of thousands of years.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource