Interesting Facts: Why People Get Pets

11.08.2023 19:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

Vericast's latest study shows that when it comes to pet ownership, consumers love their pets like children, have dedicated social media accounts, use them for special perks, and plan to spend more money on them this year despite rising costs. inflation.

When did the first pets appear

Dogs were the first to be domesticated, over 15,000 years ago. When agriculture appeared after 5 thousand years, domestic animals arrived in the regiment. Our ancestors stopped wandering in search of food and began to harvest from plants that were planted in specially designated areas.

Which animal was first tamed by man

Gradually, ancient people began to tame wild animals. The dog was the first pet of man. The dog could protect from enemies, some predatory animals, helped during the hunt. Then people domesticated sheep, pig, cow, and goat.


Why do people get pets

A person keeps animals because they make him feel tender, and because he follows cultural traditions. In communication with an animal, a person can draw powerful social support, but this depends on how strong the attachment between the owner and the pet is.

Domestic dogs primarily deliver positive emotions to their owners, but they also help them maintain good physical shape.

Regular walks, games and activities with pets contribute to the training of the cardiovascular, musculoskeletal and nervous systems of a person.

All our pets have a positive effect on us, improving mood and reducing stress, reducing pain and allowing us to cope with illnesses faster. Care and bonding with pets teaches us to love and respect, to be friends and to empathize. And all this is useful at any age.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. When did the first pets appear
  2. Which animal was first tamed by man
  3. Why do people get pets