It's too warm for cows: A new study on cattle and ecology

21.11.2023 16:10
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

Cows tend to suffer from the ecology a lot - for example, it's uncomfortable for them to live in a warmer climate.

If we don't cut down on certain gasses in the air, it'll be harder to raise cows in warm countries. 

But if we quickly reduce these gasses and limit how many new cows we have, we can make things better by 50-84%.


Heat Stress for Cows

Over a billion cows worldwide might get too hot by the end of the century if we don't take care of the environment. 

This can happen in many places, like Central America, parts of Africa, and Asia.

How Heat Affects Cows

Too much heat can make cows sick. It can affect how they have babies, how their babies grow, and even how much milk they make. 

This is not good for farmers and the cows.

What the Research Shows

Scientists looked at how hot and humid places are now and guessed how they'll be in the future. 

If we keep things as they are, almost all cows will feel too hot for about a month each year, and many will feel like this all the time by the end of the century.

What Can Help

If we quickly lower the gasses in the air and don't raise too many new cows, we can make things better. 

It's like giving the cows some shade. This is important, especially in Asia, South America, and Africa.

What We Decide Now Matters

If we make good choices now, like not cutting down too many trees for farming, it helps the cows and the planet. 

Also, if we eat less beef, it's good for the cows and the environment. What we do today matters for tomorrow.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Heat Stress for Cows
  2. How Heat Affects Cows
  3. What the Research Shows
  4. What Can Help
  5. What We Decide Now Matters