Pet owner's tips: Signs of your cat's pregnancy

20.01.2024 02:50
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

When your cat isn't spayed and likes walking outside, the chances are that she'll get pregnant at some point.

If you don't want any kittens, then you might still have some time to prevent this, but you have to act quickly.

Here are a few signs that your female cat might be pregnant.


Nipple Changes

Pay attention to your cat's nipples. During pregnancy, they may become larger and more pink.

Weight Gain and Belly Changes

Pregnant cats often experience weight gain, and their bellies may become rounder.

Gently feel your cat's abdomen. You might notice a slight swelling.

Appetite Changes

An increased appetite can be a sign of pregnancy. Your cat might show more interest in food.

Behavioral Changes

Pregnant cats may become more affectionate.

They might seek out quiet and secluded places as they get closer to giving birth.

Veterinary Examination

The most reliable way to confirm pregnancy is through a vet.

A veterinarian can perform a physical examination or use ultrasound to detect signs of pregnancy.

Consulting with a Vet

If you suspect your cat is pregnant, schedule a visit to the vet.

Vets can provide accurate information, estimate the stage of pregnancy, and offer guidance on care.

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Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Nipple Changes
  2. Weight Gain and Belly Changes
  3. Appetite Changes
  4. Behavioral Changes
  5. Veterinary Examination
  6. Consulting with a Vet