Pets that cause allergies more often than others: Check your health before getting one

29.07.2023 01:40
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

Pets that cause allergies more often are typically those that produce and shed more allergens. 

Allergens are proteins found in a pet's dander (skin flakes), saliva, urine, and even feces, which can trigger allergic reactions in susceptible individuals. 

Here are some common pets known to cause allergies more frequently.


Cat allergens are widespread and can be highly potent. 

They are found in a cat's dander, saliva, and urine. 

guinea pigs

These allergens are lightweight and can easily become airborne, spreading throughout the home and triggering allergic reactions in sensitive individuals.


While dog allergens are not as pervasive as cat allergens, they can still cause allergies in susceptible individuals. 

Dog dander, saliva, and urine contain allergens that can become airborne and stick to surfaces, causing allergic reactions.


Small rodents like hamsters, gerbils, and mice can produce allergens in their urine and dander, leading to allergic reactions in some people.


Feathered pets like birds can release allergens through their dander and feathers. 

These allergens can become airborne, leading to respiratory issues in allergic individuals.

Guinea Pigs

Guinea pigs can also produce allergens in their dander and urine, causing allergic reactions in sensitive people.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Cats
  2. Dogs
  3. Rodents
  4. Birds
  5. Guinea Pigs