Recognizing a pregnant hamster: Pet owner's tips

13.05.2024 21:22

Hamsters are extremely cute rodents that are perfect pets for kids and adults - they are harmless and funny.

When buying a hamster, it's sometimes hard to understand that it's pregnant - so you can accidentally get a bunch instead of one.

Here are some tips that might help you.


Changes in Body Shape

A pregnant hamster's abdomen will become more rounded and enlarged as the pregnancy progresses. 

However, this may not be noticeable until a couple of weeks into the pregnancy.

Increased Appetite

Pregnant hamsters may eat more than usual, especially as they near the end of their pregnancy. 

You may observe them hoarding food in their cheeks.

Weight Gain

As the pregnancy advances, the hamster will gain weight. 

Gently pick up the hamster and see if you notice an increase in its weight over time.

Nesting Behavior

In preparation for giving birth, a pregnant hamster will create a nest. 

This involves collecting bedding material and arranging it in one corner of the cage to make a cozy spot for her babies.

Larger and Pinker Teats

A pregnant hamster's teats will become more prominent and pinker, especially during the later stages of pregnancy. 

This change is due to the milk production in preparation for nursing the offspring.

Changes in Behavior

Some pregnant hamsters may exhibit mood changes. 

They can become more territorial, agitated, or aggressive, especially when they feel threatened or disturbed.


If you are experienced and gentle, you might carefully palpate the hamster's abdomen, feeling for small, developing embryos. 

However, this should be done very carefully and preferably by a veterinarian or someone with expertise in handling small animals.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Changes in Body Shape
  2. Increased Appetite
  3. Weight Gain
  4. Nesting Behavior
  5. Larger and Pinker Teats
  6. Changes in Behavior
  7. Palpation