Taking care of parrots: Popular mistakes

08.09.2023 16:10
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Parrots are amazingly intelligent birds, so they can make amazing pet friends - but only for those who take care of them well.

There are a few important rules of taking care of these birds, but lots of inexperienced pet owners make the same mistakes again and again.

Let's find out more about them, so you can become an amazing pet owner.

Poor diet 

Giving your parrot the wrong food can harm them. They need a balanced diet with fruits, veggies, and pellets made for parrots. Avoid feeding them only seeds, as it's not healthy.

They need to be social

Parrots are social birds and need lots of attention and interaction. If they're left alone too much, they can become unhappy and even develop behavior problems.


Their cages shouldn't be too small

Parrots need a big cage to stretch their wings and move around. If the cage is too small, they won't be comfortable.

Entertain your pet

Parrots are intelligent, and they get bored easily. Providing toys and puzzles can keep their minds active and prevent boredom.

Visit a vet regularly

Just like other pets, parrots need regular check-ups with a vet. Ignoring this can lead to health problems going unnoticed.

Don't forget they live for many years

Parrots can live a long time, often decades. Make sure you're ready for this long-term commitment before getting one.

Train them consistently

If you're teaching your parrot tricks or manners, be consistent with your training. Inconsistent training can confuse them.

Just be patient

Parrots can be stubborn, and training takes time. Being impatient can lead to frustration for both you and your bird.


These birds are intelligent and social - so they are amazing pets for communicative and active people who have lots of patience. Be patient, friendly, and active - and your bird will be happy!

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Poor diet 
  2. They need to be social
  3. Their cages shouldn't be too small
  4. Entertain your pet
  5. Visit a vet regularly
  6. Don't forget they live for many years
  7. Train them consistently
  8. Just be patient
  9. Conclusion