Train your cat to use human toilet: Pet owner's tips

25.10.2023 18:35
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

A modern Internet trend suggests training your cat to use your regular human toilet, so you can save money on cat litter.

While few cats get this habit naturally, you can train your cat to do it - and it's easier than you might think.

Let's find out more!


Choose the Right Toilet Seat

Start by selecting a toilet seat that fits securely on your toilet. You'll need this for the training process.

Start with a Litter Box

Place your cat's regular litter box next to the toilet. Ensure your cat is comfortable using it.

Gradual Elevation

Raise the litter box slightly above the floor using sturdy platforms or books. 

This step helps your cat get used to the new height without causing stress.

Reduce Litter Amount

Gradually decrease the amount of litter in the box while your cat gets accustomed to the elevated position. 

This helps your cat transition to the idea of going on the toilet.

Transition to Toilet

Move the litter box to sit directly on the toilet seat. This should be a familiar spot for your cat since it's in the same location.

Use a Toilet Training Insert

Purchase a toilet training insert specifically designed for cats. These inserts fit inside the toilet bowl and have a hole in the center. 

Begin the transition by using this insert.

Enlarge the Hole

Over time, gradually increase the size of the hole in the insert. This encourages your cat to balance on the toilet seat while doing its business.

Remove the Insert

Eventually, remove the toilet training insert entirely. By this stage, your cat should be comfortable using the toilet without the insert.


Remember that not all cats will successfully use the toilet, and it's essential to respect your cat's comfort and safety throughout the process. 

If your cat consistently shows signs of distress or refuses to cooperate, it may be best to revert to using a litter box permanently.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Choose the Right Toilet Seat
  2. Start with a Litter Box
  3. Gradual Elevation
  4. Reduce Litter Amount
  5. Transition to Toilet
  6. Use a Toilet Training Insert
  7. Enlarge the Hole
  8. Remove the Insert
  9. Conclusion