Veterinary Tips: How to Properly Walk Your Cat

16.07.2023 21:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

If you have a kitten, you can potty train him. Adult cats are more difficult to accustom to walks, but it is also possible.

Why walk the cat

According to some veterinarians and animal psychologists, walking with a pet stimulates its mental and physical activity, satisfies natural curiosity, prevents obesity, and also strengthens the emotional bond between the owner and the pet.

Why Walking Pet Cats Can Be Dangerous

A pet can get injured in a fight with other animals, get hit by a car or get lost. There is also a high chance of contracting infectious diseases, such as feline leukemia or the immunodeficiency virus. Therefore, we advise you not to take risks and walk the cat only under strict supervision.

How to walk with a cat

The animal must be vaccinated and treated for fleas and ticks.

It is best to walk in a quiet green place, away from the roadway and noisy highways. Walks should not be long, and in their process it is advisable to give the cat treats.

Photo: Pixabay

How to walk a cat for the first time

Get used to the street gradually. The first walk should not be long, and it is advisable to spend it in a quiet secluded place. It is important to keep the cat in your arms. Over and over again, the walking time is increased. When the pet feels more confident, it can be lowered to the ground.

Is it possible to walk a cat in a collar

It is possible, but it is better not to use a collar for walking. The neck muscles of a cat are quite weak, and the collar can injure them. Use a harness made from soft materials such as nylon or cotton.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Why walk the cat
  2. Why Walking Pet Cats Can Be Dangerous
  3. How to walk with a cat
  4. How to walk a cat for the first time
  5. Is it possible to walk a cat in a collar