Snoring is the sound produced by vibration of the soft tissues of the upper respiratory tract during sleep.
Why can a cat snore
A common cause of snoring is a relaxed state of the soft palate, which periodically blocks the upper airways.
Another reason is involuntary displacement of the respiratory organs.

Air flow may not flow freely due to the cat sleeping or lying in a certain position.
First of all, cat snoring, as a normal phenomenon, may be associated with the physiological characteristics of a particular animal.
However, if your cat has not snored, but this is the first time in its life, it may not be normal and may even be dangerous for your cat.
Therefore, you should consult a veterinarian, where the doctor will check the health of your pet.
Why do British cats snore
Persian, British, Scottish and other exotic species of animals have manifestations of brachycephalic syndrome - wheezing during sleep, so in this case such sounds are not a manifestation of health problems and should not alarm the owner.
In rare cases, surgery may be necessary.
We previously talked about why a cat can experience stress.